Tuesday, January 20, 2009

Why Comp Theory?

For all these years I have thought I was a good writer. After taking my first graduate class last semester, I'm not so sure. I want to know more about this whole "academic writing" thing. It seems mysterious, so I have a few questions:

Why are people engaging in academic writing? Surely not just to earn a master's degree or a phD . . . surely not just so they can be a published college professor . . . it must be a very satisfying and scholarly pursuit, even if there's no degree or job associated. I want to be scholarly and satisfied.

How are people doing academic writing? Contrary to my previous notions, they are not pulling it out of their heads after reading a work of literature. They are doing a lot of research on what others have written about that literature, they are doing a lot of research about the historical and cultural background, and they are doing a lot of work to develop their opinion into a fine-tuned argument that can be supported and can stand up to the scrutiny of the academic community.

I am also taking Research Methods & Theories, and at this point I must say Thanks be for the internet! because the library would have to become my new home if there wasn't such a wealth of information and articles available online. What a blessing to live in this technological age . . .

I see this class as my opportunity to learn to develop a position and write persuasively about it. I intend to become a better writer and want to get comfortable with academic writing. I have a long way to go on this master's degree, and I want it to be a successful and fun experience.

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